Thursday, January 22, 2015


Welcome to Gen I Zine. A blog-magazine for "Generation Indigenous." 
We are an online teen forum devoted to and by Indigenous Youth! This will be a positive source and discussion of news, issues, sharing opportunities with youth whether you are Native American, Alaska Native like myself, First Nation or a Hawaiian young reader. This will be a meeting place for all of us. This will be a informative and positive place.  We like funny videos, joking, drawings and creative stories too!

Over the years I couldn’t find a magazine or social media platform dedicated to Native youth. I decided to create this humble site as I now live away from my Alaskan bush roots. I would be Idle No More! This blog-zine belongs to us all. I will be the moderator and initially generate the postings. Even with lousy grammar. Don’t be shy, I need YOU to submit your postings, photos, stories, poems, drawings and interactive comments. Participate, take surveys, sound off, listen in. Energize. It Does Take A Village!  Perhaps we will have offerings.
Just show Tolerance, Compassion and Respect to self and others. In the spirit of sharing and understanding, all people of various ages and backgrounds may be involved. Contemporary Native Youth have vital lives with ideas, accomplishments, beliefs, skills and interesting things to share with each other, our elders and the entire planet! You, the reader, are invited to submit your content and concerns. Be safe and use only First name and Last initial or a user name. And keep your message real. We can help each other thrive.

Elevate! Uplift us all on this planet. Promote positive interaction. Indigenous communities are often in remote places but we sure like our social media sites and gadgets. We are connected. We remain. We are here.
We Will Unite - here. We have much to educate ourselves about. We are the future leaders in our communities and nations which the world badly needs. Earth’s blood beats in our hearts. We belong here.

We will rise. We will share. We will be heard. We matter.
We are the Gen I digital generation.                                
            Anaa’ baase.

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