Friday, May 29, 2015

Athabascan country in Alaska

Visit Alaska Native Heritage Center online or in person for more like this graphic. Anaa' baase.
Koyukon Athabascan descended from Koyukuk-Nowitna band. Dad raised until 8 years old in Kokrines, Alaska. Alaska moved from territory status to statehood so off to Ruby in 1958 the holdout family went as a school consisting of two rooms was there. That ended the free roaming  outdoor life my dad loved so much. But after Mt. Edgecumbe graduation and serving in the Navy on the U.S.S. Constellation, dad settled into the seasons based in Ruby with traplines and fish camp sites. He became a single dad upon a divorce and that enabled him to perfect the art of snowshoe building over past 30 years. Some 15 years later, an art show and contest for Kindergarten thru the 12th grade created by my mom, Eileen McGlynn, introduced them to each other when she sought out the most authentic Athabascan craftsman in town to be the impartial judge-my dad. Opposites attract and I am the result. Proud of both my bloodlines and raised with solid timeless human values and a viewpoint encompassing a bigger world. And hopes for a better world.  

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