Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Happy 100 Years Birthday to Sidney Huntington

Happy Birthday to an Koyukon Athabascan icon of educational values, hard work, Native integrity and  Alaskan subsistence expert and advocate. Sidney Huntington turns in May after 100 years on earth after being born in 1915.
 He walks well in all worlds and is recognized all over Alaska. He is being celebrated with a potlatch in Galena on May 9th. He will be featured on the Today Show May 10th. He co-wrote the story of his life from birch canoes and steam ships to bionic man standing strong with folks around the U.S. reading his book, Shadows on the Koyukuk
I emailed the White House asking for an official birthday greeting. I wrote Sen. Murkowski, Congressman Young, Lt. Governor Mallot to also send him greetings. Now is the time to honor our Athabascan role models. We had George Attla, legendary dog sprinter from Huslia pass this winter. Make sure you find a way to see his film, Spirit of the Wind. You and wife, Angela enjoy your moment surrounded by hundreds!

Sidney Huntington family photo
On Raven Story at there are interviews with Sidney. Send birthday cards only to PO Box 49, Galena AK  99741.
On it tell you how to have the White House send a greeting to a elder over the age of 80.-search for Centenarian birthday greetings. Give Respect and surprise to a noted elder in your community!

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