Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Youth Driven Ideas but No Gas Funds

Sooo, you have a idea for your Native Community but need a bit $$of funds$$ of Green Leafy dollars
Nephew Nummies "volunteering" in Ruby, AK garden
to make it come to a reality. To the rescue is a online group created Just For You. American Indians and Alaskan Natives may apply for mini-grants with MINIMUM of adult driven help for ideas that help your community. The summer is coming up and kids need activities or you want to work with other youth on a problem your community or even the world faces? Be frugal and serious with these funds and still volunteer your own time.
 Here is the website: www. We R Look for Native Community Service Mini Grant.

This We R Native website has interesting content for Tweens, Teens and In-betweens!! Plus monthly contest with small prizes. Even resources and articles that make you think about serious problems-and solutions- you or folks and friends you know that live in Indian Country face. It is a friendly website and here for Generation Indigenous! Make use of it.

Remember: The most important ingredient is your character, empathy, and action for our earth and all its beings. Keeping actions sustainable and successful is another goal.

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