Thursday, May 7, 2015


                                               INVASIVE BOOZE PETITION

                                             Stop the Devastation Against Natives

      We, the undersigned, ask The United States Government, interested states and Tribal Nations to undo the damage President Teddy Roosevelt did in 1904 by his Executive Order changing the border zone protecting Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, which resulted in the "town" of Whiteclay, Nebraska, population average Ten (10!), selling almost Five (5) Million cans of beer annually        ($3 Million in sales).
      The Oglala Sioux Indians BAN alcohol on their reservation since 1832. Devastation has happened to their Nation ever since this Executive Order. Pine Ridge is widely known for its poverty and social problems. The vast majority a result of booze sold in Whiteclay but consumed on the reservation.
OVERTURN this ill-conceived Executive Order or PASS A LAW in Congress expanding the reservation boundary to absorb Whiteclay. Listen to the cries of the families and their advocates.

(Inquiries:  Petition by student Birk Albert, Alaskan Native, in honor of relative's Oglala Sioux extended family. A "Challenge" taken up to fight the good fight inspired       by The Center for Native American Youth.)                                                                                    Take action and expand your voice. Print this or your version of this petition after educating yourself or go to my blog and comment with your name, town and state and I will add your name. Petitions to be sent to White House, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Tribal Nations.

        FULL NAME                              TOWN,  STATE  OF RESIDENCE

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