Thursday, May 7, 2015

Diatribe: Invasive Booze Petition-Close Whiteclay booze pathway into Pine Ridge

Brother Vern with Katrina my "Niester"

As long as I was going to do an Invasive dangers to my Ausable River Watershed display for Earth Day, it is not too far to extend that concern to Indian Country-be it Alaskan villages or on a never visited reservation. Why not help protect humans on this good earth and denounce the alcohol that flows since 1904 into the Pine Ridge reservation which has a BAN on alcohol consumption and carrying onto their lands since 1832. Former N.Y. Governor Teddy Roosevelt changed this into a tragedy for generations all with his one hand and the stroke of a pen in 1904 when he changed the borders of the buffer zone. He had the unseen hand of the trading post or booze distributors no doubt even back then.
 This "town" of  under 15 has no post office, school exists to live off and continue misery and tragedy that flows back into Pine Ridge to effect the relatives of my biological niece/adopted sister, Katrina's distant and extended family. That is how they ended up in Ruby, AK as part of a large foster family of cousins, sisters and brothers representing 3 family units. Another horror story is the foster couple (Natives) who were given charge of these kids, not a happy one.

My brother Vern met and was enchanted as a 17 year old with one lady and well, there is his daughter, Katrina, raised by my dad since she was age one. A good thing and then I was born. Early parents and late bloomers.
I collected some signatures on my petition and will continue at events. All President Obama has to do is restore the buffer zone and ban Whiteclay. It will solve some of the problems of 5 million cans of beer being sold for $3 million dollars of sales yearly from a handful of selfish folks in this 'town' and the heartless corporate distillers who are really the pirate stealing the health, dignity and futures of Oglala Sioux for too long. Sure, there will always be more predators, but why did Roosevelt do this to begin with I say?

 Send Name, Town of residence,  and State and I will keep your email and add your protest to the petition to be mailed sometime in 2015 to South Dakota, Nebraska, White House and the Tribal Council there.  I can send you an attached copy of the petition to close down Whiteclay booze suppliers. I am going to print the petition in the next post. Feel free to take charge.

Folks who want their name added to the paper petition:

In this case, every little drop of activism MAY help compared to the barrels of mayhem Roosevelt's solitary Executive Order caused.  See New York Times May 1st, 2015 article on suicide epidemic there as well. ENOUGH.  'Uncle Henry' continues namesake's legacy of action over words.

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